
archive of all news

2025/01 I officially joined University of Florida - Department of Chemistry as a postdoc to work on molecular-graph generative modeling and AI-driven computational simulations.
2024/12 Our work “Data-efficient and interpretable inverse materials design using a disentangled variational autoencoder” is published on line at AI & Materials. We employed disentangled variational autoencoder to develop a data-efficient and interpretable inverse materials design approach, which also has the potential of design materials with multiple target properties.
2024/10 I am invited to contribute a special issue in journal Processes titled “Artificial Intelligence: An Innovative Solution to the Optimization and Discovery of Functional Materials”. The website is out here.
2024/09 I am thrilled to announce that our preprint for inverse materials design using a disentangled variational autoencoder is available at arXiv.
2024/07 I attended the NIST AI for Materials Science (AIMS) 2024 workshop in Rockville, MD and presented a poster for our work “machine learning accelerated discovery of corrosion-resistant high-entropy alloys”.
2024/07 Our paper “Dynamic stability of Pt-based alloys for fuel-cell catalysts calculated from atomistics” is accepted into Catalysis Science & Technology. It is out here.
2024/06 Our full proposal “CHARMED: Collaborative Human-AI to Revolutionize Materials Exploration and Discovery” has been submitted to NSF ACED program. It proposes to innovate probabilistic models and intelligent user interface for data-efficient and interpretable inverse materials design for complex materials such as high-entropy alloys.
2024/06 Our paper “Measuring wake deflection from SCADA data during wake steering using machine learning” was published at Journal of Physics: Conference Series for the TORQUE 2024 conference. Now it is available here.
2024/04 Our full proposal “Physics and Mechanics of Brittle Particle Cold Spray via Machine Learning enabled Multiscale Simulaitons” has been submitted to NSF Advanced Manufacturing Program in response to a Dear College Letter: Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research in Artificial Intelligence. It proposes to use integrated machine learning assisted simulations and experiments to overcome fundamental challenges for brittle particle cold spray, a novel additive manufacturing technique. I led the ideation and drafting of material simulations and machine learning methods for this proposal.
2024/02 I am thrilled to announce that our work “Machine learning accelerated discovery of corrosion-resistant high-entropy alloys” has been published in Computational Materials Science.
2024/02 I gave a virtual seminar at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Mechanical & Materials Engineering graduate seminar on Feb 21, 2024 about “Rational Design of Nanoalloy Electrocatalysts”.
2023/12 My perspective about trends of 2024 AI in materials science research has been posted on EAI webpage .
2023/12 Our work on combining nearsighed force training and global optimization techniques to understand Co-Pt nanoparticle phase stability has been published at JPCC .
2023/11 I presented a poster on “Challenges and Opportunities for Machine Learning Accelerated Materials Qualification for Brittle Particle Cold Spray” at the MRS 2023 Fall Meeting & Exhibit. Also, Zachery Hindley, a summer intern at the Roux Engineering team comentored by me and Nathan Post, presented a talk for his internship work regarding “Image Selection for Atomistic Machine Learning using an Autoencoder”.
2023/07 Excited to announce that our work on materials design for corrosion-resistant high-entropy alloys with machine learning is out at arXiv.
2023/06 Thrilled to share that our work on nanoparticle alloy phase stability using NFT is now available on arXiv.
2023/05 I presented a poster at the ICME2023 conference in Orlando for our work titled “Machine learning accelerated discovery of corrosion-resistant high-entropy alloys”.
2023/05 I recorded a MOOC lecture titled “AI in Engineering” with the Experiential Digital Global Education team.
2023/01 I gave a talk at the Roux weekly academic workshop for one piece of my PhD work on nanoparticle phase stability. Slides can be found here.
2022/12 Our work on general strain trends in catalysis is published on J. Phys. Chem. C.
2022/11 I joined the Roux Institute of Northeastern University as a Experiential AI postdoc. I will work on machine learning accelerated materials design and data analytic approaches in additive manufacturing.
2022/07 I defended my PhD thesis. The thesis is available at Brown library and ProQuest. Slides are here.
2022/02 I gave a talk for our nearsighted force-training work at the New England Catalysis Winter meeting.
2022/01 Out work using nearsighted force-training to curate training data only when necessary is out on J. Chem. Phys.
2021/06 I am honored to be selected by SIGMA XI Honor Society as a full member.
2020/10 Our work using eigenforce model to predict the anisotropic strain effect of Pt ternary alloys has been published on JACS.
2020/07 I won a solo gold metal (5/1621) for the Kaggle competition Jigsaw Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification. I became a Kaggle competition master with one gold and two silver medals.
2020/06 I won a solo silver metal (90/2225) for the Kaggle competition Tweet Sentiment Extraction.
2020/04 I won a silver metal (90/2059) as the team leader for the Kaggle competition Bengali.AI Handwritten Grapheme Classification.
2019/03 I am delighted to announce that I have been selected to participate in the open graduate education program.
2019/01 We introduced eigenforce model to quantify strain effect for adsorption energy and employed that to understand the oxygen reduction catalytic performance of face-centered cubic Pt–Co and Pt–Fe alloys. The work is now published at J. Chem. Phys.